Little horse cannot run away from climate change, yet it has to face the ghost gear threat that is killing its marine animal friends and devastating its habitat.
- Magnet Seahorse is inspired by the delicate beauty of animals under the sea which helps you attach notes and photos on the refrigerator or board and can be organized tools in a workshop, magnets provide a simple design and an effective way to keep things orderly.
- Magnet Seahorse let them makes the lively like the simple design and simple color to any space. Whether you’re adorning your refrigerator, workspace, office board, or any magnetic surface, these magnets add a touch of eco-conscious elegance while serving as a conversation of eco-friendly and sustainable living because of their material of, 100% Recyclable.
- Magnet Seahorse can be decorated on the magnetic board in both your house and workplace showing the eco-friendly by made from Recycled Material. Let them teach your kid learning about the sea environment or sea animals at the ocean. Recycled useless plastic before being the food of the sea animals.
- Magnet Seahorse can help to keep your note, on any magnetic surface, at the workplace, or for a lovely family. Don’t fear losing some notes because you have SEA ANIMAL GANG to keep your notes.
This product can be Recyclable 100% This item is an eco product.
**See the “QUALY” and you know it is authentic.**
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Original design made in Thailand